Let God

Each day we need to pray to remember that God is in charge. He is not our co-pilot, He is our pilot. Philippians 2:14 reads that we should “Do everything without grumbling or arguing.” By remembering that God is in charge, we can rest assured that we are in His care when the trials of… Continue reading Let God

Categorized as Faith


“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.” 1 Peter 3:9 Why does Peter say this? He is reminding us not only of the example Jesus set by sacrificing Himself on the cross,… Continue reading Forgiveness


A lot of people think they have to be special or do amazing things to be loved. As parents we must love our kids for who they are — not what they do, and sometimes…in spite of what they do, much like God does with all of us. This need for love coupled with the… Continue reading Special

Categorized as Faith


Good intentions are necessary, but not the only thing we need for helping others and showing God’s love. We must also take action and do good for others and show mercy. It has been said that we tend to judge ourselves by our intentions and judge others by their actions. I think this is one… Continue reading Intentions


Virtues — In Plato’s ‘Meno’ dialogue, Socrates struggled to define what they are. Are they good? Are they works? Are they only concerned with the results being good? He wasn’t able to define it, but he did conclude that virtues are innate and instilled in your soul by ‘the gods’ and that you become virtuous… Continue reading Virtues