Toothbrush Timer with Display

Like the previous version but now with a display that shows the time left and side currently being brushed. Shows the temperature too. Parts List Code GitHub

Categorized as Tech Tagged

Toothbrush Timer

Timer with battery pack

According to the ADA, we are supposed to brush our teeth for two minutes for optimal results. This works out to 30 seconds per side of your top and bottom teeth. I used to use a powered toothbrush that had a built-in timer and it would pause ever so briefly when it was time to… Continue reading Toothbrush Timer

Categorized as Tech Tagged


As C.S. Lewis pointed out in Mere Christianity, a person only finds out how strong temptation really is by continually resisting it. Someone who give in after only a few minutes has no idea how powerful and evil sin is, they are the ones who are actually sheltered. Jesus was the only realist because he… Continue reading Realist

Categorized as Faith

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Can you only consume ‘spiritual junk food’ and expect to be spiritually fit? With computing there is a saying, ‘garbage in, garbage out’. The quality of the data you put into a program will not be exceeded by what comes out of it. If you only feed in data that agrees with your particular hypothesis,… Continue reading Garbage In, Garbage Out

Categorized as Faith


Divine justice is complicated. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, sometimes evil goes unpunished. There is not always a direct correlation between how people act and the blessings (or consequences) they receive — at least not from our limited human perspective. The world and the reasons for things happening as they are, are within… Continue reading Justice

Categorized as Faith